Meet the TEAM


- Powered by dietitians + Cleanse alum -


Jenny Champion, Founder

“Cleanse Mom”

Favorite food:
Does coffee count? If not, then def eggs.

Registered dietitian, wife to a beautiful Irishman, certified personal trainer, mother of four, lover of pink and mint, pom mom, entrepreneur, apron and cake stand hoarder, faithful Bible reader.

For 20 years I starved myself, binged and purged, took laxatives, hated my body and punished myself through food. I suffered debilitating anxiety and landed in the ER multiple times from panic attacks that I now know where exacerbated by my unhealthy eating habits. It wasn’t until I started eating MORE of the right nutrients that I wasn’t a slave to food anymore. I’m at my lowest weight since high school after having four babies and with zero calorie counting or intense workouts. I’m living proof that you can completely change your body — and your life — through what you put in your mouth. I’ve made it my life’s mission to save other people who struggle with the same nonsense I did.

Jenny’s been featured in…

Paleo Thanksgiving-6.jpeg

Julianna Pacinhik, Head Coach

Favorite food:
All food. But if I had to narrow it down... Mexican.

Lover of going out to dinner and drinks, entertaining and throwing dinner parties. Dressing up and being “fancy.” MBA turned stay at home mother of two trying to balance all of the things.

I grew up a really chubby kid. They called me “Bertha.” I loved hot dogs and ate them frequently. I started starving myself in 7th grade and bingeing and puking came shortly after (short lived thankfully). I’ve always had a strange relationship with food and dieting and exercise. Any quick fix I would try. Three day diet, cabbage soup diet, juice cleanse, laxatives, diuretics. All of the above. If there’s a fad diet you can think of, I most likely tried it.

When I came across the cleanse my life changed. I was eating food. Real, whole food and I wasn’t starving or supplementing with anything. I found a group of women who had a lot of the same bad habits as I did and we formed a comradery that has kept me going. My relationship with food and myself has completely changed.


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